A simple word that covers a lot. Its most visible face will always be linked to fossil fuels, which are responsible for increasing the temperature beyond that defined in the Paris Agreement but it goes far beyond that. Sustainability is a vast topic, and we’ll be talking about it over several articles, starting with this one.
We have a commitment to our land, the Alentejo, and even more broadly, we have a commitment to working for a better world, doing our bit and inspiring others to follow our example. It is our commitment to meet the needs of the present, ensuring the sustainability of our Já Te Disse wines without compromising future generations.
Aware that this is a problem and a challenge for all the inhabitants of this planet, the
United Nations
launched the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). There are only 17 of them, mainly aimed at the nations of the planet, but they cannot be achieved without the support of companies, civil society and, quite clearly, all of us. Aware of this global challenge, Já Te Disse wines want to make a clear contribution, taking part in everyone’s effort.

This effort started at the very beginning of the project, with spatial planning, taking advantage of the different elements of the land, and trying to minimize the use of water, an increasingly scarce commodity. The space for the vineyard, in a gravitational construction and planting, sought to respond to this challenge. This is just one example of what our environmental concerns have been since before there was anything on the ground. Equipped with a drip irrigation system with a 44º slope, it allows the gravitational force to exert its fascination, thus saving water consumption and ensuring the hydration of our 3,613 vines.
This is one of our small contributions, in this case focused on SDG 6 (Ensure availability and sustainable management of drinking water and sanitation for all).
A little from each of us, all in all, will be a significant contribution from everyone and for everyone.
We believe that.